Glossary of Terms


Cross (krôs)

a. An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times.
b. The upright post with a transverse piece upon which Jesus was crucified.
c. A crucifix.

Cross Over
Phrasal Verbs:
To change from one condition or loyalty to another. (Baptized into Jesus)

Cross (One’s) Mind
To come to know; realize (Agnoeo)

ol•o•gy (äl′ə jē)
A branch of learning.


1. Conformed – Fashioned like unto. As we walk with God and keep our faith in what Jesus accomplished for us on the Cross, the Holy Spirit fashions or molds us to look more like Jesus.

2. Covenant – At its foundation the term covenant describes an agreement. From a biblical perspective, it describes the agreement God has made with sinful humanity. Specifically, the covenant or agreement that God made with man is that He provided a sacrifice for sin by sending His sinless Son to pay the penalty of sin for the entire human race.

3. Disciples – The word disciple means learner. Therefore, a disciple of Christ is a learner of Jesus.

4. Imputed – Imputed righteousness describes the fact that when we believe in Christ, His righteousness is imputed or laid upon us. This word works hand in hand with justification. Essentially, once we accept God’s covenant by placing our faith in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for us on the cross, we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ (Galatians 3:27)

5. Grace – More than just God’s unmerited favor. It’s also a divine influence on the heart and its reflection in the life.

6. Justification – A legal declaration. God declares the sinner not guilty because of his faith in what Jesus accomplished. Once the person believes they are in Christ there is no guilt only righteousness.

7. New Covenant – Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the climax of human history. The Old Covenant was God’s agreement with Israel. Through Israel came Jesus. God’s new agreement with humanity is that He will have relationship with us if we have trusted in Jesus and what He did at the Cross.

8. New Man – Ephesians 4:22-24. In Christ, we become a new man. In the mind of God the old person we were died in Christ and we have been resurrected to a new life (Rom. 6:3-5.)

9. Old Man – The old man is the person we were before Christ. He was dominated by a sinful nature. Now, in Christ, he is dead to his relationship with sin and alive to his relationship with God.

10. Reconciliation – Describes two entities that were hostile towards one another, but their relationship has been repaired and they have been brought back together. Because of the fall of Adam, and our own contributions to sin, there was hostility between God and us. However the sacrifice of Jesus removed the power of sin and through our faith in that sacrifice, we have been reconciled back to God.

11. Redemption – To purchase through payment of a ransom. Jesus’ blood paid a price for our sin. Through the Cross, He purchased us back for God.

12. Regeneration – This word is found in Titus 3:5. It describes the born again process. When we were born again, we died to the power of sin and were implanted with a divine nature.

13. Restoration – To complete thoroughly or repair. What Jesus accomplished on the Cross for us has completely repaired our relationship with Him.

14. Salvation History – Since the fall, God has been in the process of restoring humanity back into relationship with Him. The Bible is His-Story. In other words, the Bible is communicating God’ progressive plan to restore humanity.

15. Sinful Nature – When Adam fell, he was infected with a sinful nature. Because he is the paternal father of all humanity, we have all received a sinful nature from him.

16. Substitutionary Sacrifice – The idea of substitutionary sacrifice is first seen in Genesis 3:21. In this passage, God sacrificed the first animal to cover the sin of Adam and Eve. They were guilty but the lamb was the substitute. We were guilty but Jesus was the substitute.

17. Walking in the Flesh – This occurs when the believer attempts to live for God in his own strength through will power or his own works. (Galatians 3:1-8)

18. Lusts of the Flesh – Starting in Galatians 5:19-21, the Lusts of the Flesh are produced in the non-believer’s life because he does not know Christ. The Lusts of the Flesh are produced in the believer’s life when he walks in the flesh (see above definition).

19. Walking in the Spirit – Walking in the Spirit means we are following the Holy Spirit’s guidance. He will always point us to put our faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified. (John 16:13-15)

20. Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23 – The Fruit of the Spirit is produced in the life of the believer when the believer walks in the Spirit (see above definition).

21. Works – James said faith without works is dead. Christians are supposed to work. However, when we put our faith in our works for victory over sin such as: more Bible reading, quoting scripture, or fasting we are deviating from God’s plan for victory which is faith in Jesus and what He accomplished when He died on the Cross. When He died, He gave humanity access to the power of God. When the faith of the Christian is right, he works tirelessly to further the kingdom. However, he realizes that this is not the source, instead it is the fruit of his victory.